Monday, January 20, 2020

Good Bye Libby Lou

I know. I haven't been here in a long time, but I wanted to let anyone know, who might accidentally find their way to this old blog, that we said good-bye to Libby Lou this morning.

Over a year ago, we thought we had lost her, but she recuperated enough to have a somewhat normal life. We moved her and Meeko back to the house and built a fenced-in area outside the front door. Most of her teeth were gone, so she got soft food with some pumpkin thrown in for fiber to keep her "regular". 

She still barked at birds, trucks, ATV's, etc, and still would not come when called.  The only difference was that she got tired pretty quick so she wasn't that hard to catch.  She was stiff and sore in the morning and she was also showing some mild signs of canine cognitive dysfunction (dog dementia).

The last picture of Libby Lou, taken last October
The last month or so, though, she went downhill pretty fast. Then overnight, she went from the arthritic slow to get up and down to not getting up at all.  It was time.

She lived to be almost 13 and had a good, long life. 

We love you, Libby Lou.