Monday, July 9, 2012

Long Time, No Write

Wow! I didn't realize I hadn't written here in nearly two years. Time sure does fly!  It would simply take too long to explain "where" I've been so I won't bore you with the details.

I'll do my best to catch up and then keep up.

The current count is two dogs (Libby and Meeko) and four cats (Marshmallow, Captain, Bookworm, and Adora [Bookworm's baby]) Other than the normal flea and tick problems, everyone is doing well.

We enclosed about a half acre at the rear of our house. The dogs stay out there most of the time. Meeko, who now weighs nearly 70 pounds no longer fits in the crate so we had to look at other options, particularly since housebreaking never completely "took" with him. We had to make changes with Libby too. Letting her have the run of the house during the night led her to making her own fun (yes we did have toys for her) like pulling books off the bookshelves and chewing the corners! Eventually, we decided  to just bring them in for a little while every day, so that we could spend time with them, and then we put them back out. We also bought "Gentle Leader" head harnesses for both of them and take them out for long walks when we can.

For nearly a year, the dogs seemed to enjoy their new "kennel". The only problem we had was their roof climbing. Because the dog house is so big, there was only one place to put it where it would be level, and that was right up next to the house.  The dogs discovered they could get on top of the dog house and then get on the roof. From inside, the noise was like the proverbial herd of buffaloes! Neither one of them ever tried to jump off the other side, but they sure looked like they were considering it. For a while, our house was known as the one with the dogs on the roof!
                                               Meeko on the roof!

 Ed and our landlord fixed things finally so that the dogs couldn't get on top of the dog house, and for awhile at least, all was peaceful.

Then people moved into the house up the hill (as the crow flies) from us. They have dogs too, and they get loose on occasion. Seeing other dogs running about when he was confined made Meeko crazy. At least that is what we think happened. In the next blog, I'll let Ed tell you about last fall when Meeko became a canine Houdini!


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