Monday, January 11, 2010

The Bed Isn’t Safe Either

Every time I think I might run out of Libby topics she does something else.
I was awakened by Ed turning on the light at 3 a.m.. Sadly, my very first thought was “she couldn’t have got any clothes, I took all the dirty laundry to the garage last night.” What she had done was get hold of the end of the comforter, and systematically pulled a large amount of stuffing from it. The stuffing, which was now covering the bedroom floor, was what Ed had stepped on,in the dark.

When Kyle came upstairs about three hours later, we knew it, because we could hear Libby doing what Ed calls the “Libby Dance”. Basically, it’s prancing, and jumping. She does it anytime anyone comes in, but she really loves Kyle and goes especially nuts for him, even if he’s just been downstairs. I asked him if he would put her out. He said he would, but what he didn’t tell me is that she got away from him and he didn’t have time to try to catch her, or he would be late for school. When I opened the front door in order for Katherine to catch the bus two hours later, there was Libby running around the front yard. Thankfully, she was ready to come in and ran right in the house as soon as she saw the door was open.

Later in the day, as we were getting ready to run errands, I noticed Ed had left is slippers on the floor in front of the bed. I reminded him Libby was in the house and actually sleeping under the bed. He put the slippers in the closet. Then as he was making the bed, I asked him if he really thought that would last. He said it was an experiment. When we returned home, we both went to check on the “experiment”. Yep, the neatly made bed had been unmade. The covers were all pulled back from the pillows. It gives a whole new meaning to “who’s been sleeping in my bed?” At least she didn’t ball them all up in the middle of the bed. She’s done that before too.

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